Basic Islamic Science Books

Asalamo Alikum Everyone,

Following are a collection of books that will give a good understanding to all aspects of our religion, I remember the subjects from a specific Masjid where I used to get Islamic eduation long years ago.

This post is most likely are going to be followed with detailed posts Insha’ Allah.

1) Tafsir: which means understanding the meaning of the Qur’an –

Recommended book Tasir Ibn Kathir – تفسير ابن كثير – Online:

2) Hadith: the sayings of the prophet PBUH.

Recommended book would be: Arab’in Nawawiyah for Imam Nawawy “Forty Hadith of Nawawy” – الأربعين النووية

3) Sira: The life of the prophet

Recommended book Al-Raheeq Al-Makhoom – Sealed Nectar – الرحيق المختوم

4) Tajweed: which is how to recite the holy Qur’an

Recommended form is personal tutoring and going with personal recommendation

5) Adab & Akhlak: Muslim Behavior

Recommended book: kholok el-moslem Sheick Mohamed El-Gazaly – خلق المسلم – محمد الغزالي

6) Fiqh: Islamic jurisprudence:

ٌRecommended book: Fiqh El-Souna for Saeed Sabeq – فقه السنة – السيد سابق

7) Tawheed or Faith:

ٌRecommended: Aqeedat al-Muslim > Mohamed El-Gazaly – عقيدة المسلم – محمد الغزالي

Will add references and updates ASAP

– Abdelrahman


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