Hi All,
Following up with some of the virtual problems I had from a while, I found that Hadith from ILoveHadith.com touching and expressive to meanings I felt:
Narrated Abu Huraira (Radiyallaahu `anhu) that the Messenger of Allah (Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) said,
“The worst people in the Sight of Allah on the Day of Resurrection will be the double faced people who appear to some people with one face and to other people with another face.”
Sahih Al Bukhari Volume 008, Book 073, Hadith Number 084
Source: http://ilovehadith.com/social-dealings/double-faced-people.html
What a derogatory quality to be a hypocrite and what an ugly behavior is it? Be yourself and tell the people you dislike that you dislike them, take a solid situation and then be yourself.
I can bring some screen shots of Twitter direct messages expressing ultimate respect to my logic and situation and then public posts mocking me from the same person, who present herself as righteous, freedom and truth fighter!
Understanding that our religion is more about how you behave to people is an essential component of the belief of every Muslim. As I wrote before about the essential and religious ethics and how our religion focused on planting these essential ethics deeply inside every individual, this Hadith comes to confirm that boldly!
Whatever happens, don’t deceive, manipulate or use anyone. Not only that’s wrong, but it’ll put you under a lot of troubles on the Day of Resurrection
– Abdelrahman
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