Ending my Facebooking Career!

Hey There,

I had been investing so much time on FB lately, and just tonight get back to PHP with MySQL beyond the basics from Lynda.com which I started 3 weeks ago and had to stop to take care of my starting FB pages first.

Today, ending my career as a Facebooker and marketer, getting back to Geekdom! All projects pages are up & running with 120+ fans

http://facebook.com/aladhamweb > 631
http://facebook.com/abdo.me > 353
http://facebook.com/DeveloperMan > 193
http://facebook.com/EgyptDesigners > 154
http://facebook.com/Egypreneur > 122
http://facebook.com/Helwaan > 203

Updates to be submitted to pages from TwitterFox during breaks! and that’s plain AWESOME!

Of course, I’ll still be there, but hope to make it to be rarely, as it’s a huge time waster!

Stay cool πŸ™‚

– Abdo

Sharing Link: https://abdomagdy.com/6fcp7n

3 Replies to “Ending my Facebooking Career!

  • Ahmad Alfy

    By Ahmad Alfy

    Kevin Skoglund is awesome, you should watch him on RoR too !!!

  • Abdo

    By Abdo

    @Alfy: Yes I watched the Essential Training of RoR with him, but had to pick a primary language which was PHP.

    Thanks for your comment πŸ™‚

  • Ahmad Alfy

    By Ahmad Alfy

    Always welcomed πŸ™‚
    Skill a primary lang then move to the next πŸ˜€

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