it comes down to performance and being able to judge their performance based on the specific standards or if you’re in a process of actually nurturing this talent so it’s a it’s a it’s like a double-sided to what extent do you want this town to be mature in order for you to pick it and then what kind of efforts do you assume that you’re going to be able to exert until they are capable of performing in a certain position or a certain environment so this is this is the the part in which that i have to judge if someone who’s a scouting for talent am i willing to invest and for how long in developing this talent and what extent do you have to be ready right now to perform so and my strategy is going to depend on like how far along am i in this cycle so that’s talented discovery has have to be controlled the program or a natural process yeah i think when it comes to talent discovery at the early days so if we’re in a young age if we’re getting into school if we start figuring out where what we want to do with our lives so by then there has to be lots of space given for play and discovery and like looking at different like specialities for us to look at so during that time and actually whenever we have time to explore it at any age to kind of explore different other verticals it makes a lot of difference for us to actually like look at all these different verticals and exert some effort there in order for our talent to come about so if we look at it at the young age definitely having an exploration like time for exploration is very vital for us to be able to kind of for our talent to have the chance to show up yes discovering the talents mr abdul should it be done through the parents through schools all through professionals that maybe would be more aware of the real talents that the youth are having yeah i think if we think that everyone is talented so by then it becomes the the function of all these different stages so it starts with parents parents has to have the flexibility for their kids to look at different disciplines and to allow them the time to explore that and also pick at the areas and to invest in the areas in which that they could have potential exceptional talent so it starts at this stage and once they go ahead by then they’re at school but then their teachers they have to have an eye also for different speciality and i think it comes obvious sometimes so sometimes it’s not hard to tell that someone is particularly good at writing or someone is good at sports so by then having the the flexibility and having the authority as well to invest in in their talents and i think the other aspect would come when it comes to a hiring decision so once am i even like investing in someone as a venture capitalist i’m giving them money to build a project or i’m picking up for a position or i’m getting them into a paid position in a specific like team so by then it comes more like judgment of their particular talent and their flexibility like to learn i think there is different approaches especially even if i’m at the at the company stage of how do i really pick people who are not necessarily have demonstrated talent already in that area and then to take them from different disciplines and put them where they would perform better one example is one advertising agency that became very popular and i think they made lots of their success out of spotting people who had nothing to do with advertising so they went to different disciplines like stand-up comedy for example yeah so they attended like amateur stand-up comedy and then they picked up talent out of those who actually go for open mic days and these actually become exceptional talent for the advertising industry so it doesn’t have to be very structured it could actually be even if you’re in the business part and you’re in a judgment stage you could actually have a lot of creativity in terms of where could i find the people who could be talented for the position that i’m looking for yeah so sarah what is the importance of iq tests in discovering uh talented students yeah i think like all different assessments including iq tests has an indication to different like skill sets and cognitive abilities but even when it comes to something like iq tests like there have been research done and after a certain threshold like it doesn’t make a difference what’s your iq so if you’re over 120 it does make a little difference in terms of how does it influence your work so like lots of these tests are slightly exaggerated in terms of like saying they have a massive iq because it it practically could not actually make it related to the talents uh mr abdul because sometimes maybe your iq is quite high but or it’s not high and you are talented very much in art or in painting or a comedian or exactly or even in social skills i think one of the studies in looking at successful people looked at iq and they found that people was even hierarchy was not as successful as others despite that like if we look at 120 and the threshold someone could have like 140 iq but they are not really successful at all on the other hand people with just an iq they are way more successful and it comes down to other variables like for example social skills these people are able to convince other they are able to communicate with others so this becomes a different type of intelligence but not necessarily measured by iq so all these tests and assessment can give us indications is that people are really talented and they have these cognitive abilities so it’s an interesting analytical skill but it cannot be taken as the exclusive tool for choosing people for different positions of course they are indicators but they are not the exclusive tool to decide on something so sir how can we help talented people to rediscover themselves and um put them on the right track that’s a very good question because i think that that actually applies to all of us yes i think like when it comes to nurturing talent there is something about consistency yeah i mean like one of the things we didn’t talk about is that like talent starts to appear after a certain amount of time of practicing there so if i would say that i i like sports i like martial arts like if i go and i get started with martial arts and i should not really expect myself to be performing exceptionally from the first like class yeah definitely once i reach like what’s said to be 10 000 hours but then i start showing exceptional talent so by then in order for me to compete professionally to be able to present myself professionally i have to spend a long period of time so allowing people this period of time in which they are not exceptionally talented but they are acquiring this talent and they are practicing is very vital in order for them to reach that like mastery stage so like thinking of how can i get more time practice time in order for me to like start reaching the mastery stage is something that all of us can ask ourselves i think whether they are students of the university they can like join different clubs whether they even professionals they can look at different other organizations that can support their like the area that you’re interested in if it’s about like martial arts or any other sports looking at extra training time so looking at that the time that you spend practicing is very vital for the level of advancement in your performance so looking after different training opportunities and spending that time this is a very important point and also beside looking at the time is also having consistency in practice right now there are different applications it’s uh it’s really work on different scale so i like to every day i spent five minutes so in the past six months i was spending five minutes like practicing on different math skills writing skills speaking skills so these are applications that trains you on a daily basis on your scale so but then when you’re tasks with performance at a specific like situation but then you’re able to perform because you have consistent practice in this area so definitely consistent practice and also good like spending 12 minutes on discovering your personality type or different like areas of interest could could actually be worth the investment so if there are tests that exist online like from 10 to 15 minutes we’re gonna tell you that you’re possibly a very good storyteller or you could be a great coach so these are tests that already exist online that can actually give you that kind of indications also career-wise if you’re able to go for things like fellowships last year i was just i was in washington dc and i was told that i’m a great talent for a strategic communication agency despite that i never had a strategic communication on my cv i i didn’t even know what a strategic communication is but by then through going through different experiences you discover that all right there is there’s something called that and you’re actually a good fit for it and it never happens until you actually put yourself in different situation that’s not directly tied to what you’re doing so having the time for experiments and flexibility is something that you can actually help you discover different other talents or mostly like combining different parts of expertise that you already have in a way that’s that you haven’t really thought about before so and i think even like for the people who are more mature so they have years of experience they can look at it from that perspective how can i combine different parts of different talented into a specific position that can actually help me either start a business or have a certain position in the business or to even have a new career so this is a vital point of having the time for experiment and play so finally i’d like to thank you mr abdul makti a business coach thank you for being with us today thank you for having me thank you very much so thank you and without our dear viewers we come to the end of this edition of the breakfast show you were in the company of myself my seraphia and my dear kid shirinade thank you very much thank you maisie and see you tomorrow viewers with a new crew [Music] you
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