welcome back hey viewers and in this segment of our program we are going to talk about the future of business with automation and voice assistant technology and to know more about this interesting topic we are joined today by mr abdul maghdi he is a technology executive good morning good morning good morning dr abdul to start with we all know that the artificial intelligence is actually rapidly coming with business automation applications how soon is the voice assistance coming uh to the surface and to be more uh common uh to be used by the normal users yeah thanks for having me and thanks for considering artificial intelligence and presenting applications for technology i think it’s a very important topic for our viewers and also for business owners i think what we have been seeing in the past years in terms of there’s a lot of talks about artificial intelligence and intelligent automation and then we’re looking for the applications to enter the business space i think what we can actually be seeing which was what we’re talking just about is things like i want to go from point a to point b i want to use like the traffic on a drive and by then i can use something like google maps to guide me there so and also i can use that relying just on my voice without having to type an interactive technology so i think what’s emerging right now is that we can start using technology with our voice without having to use touch or clicks etc which is becoming more convenient for us in certain situations so if we look about that if we look also statistically around the world we’re going to find that like a simple task like search engines like search engines are reporting right now that fifty percent of the queries that goes into search engines are actually inserted via voice so people other than typing on google they are asking google and this is a very important indicator to look at how voice technologies are emerging very quickly and how there could be a lot of applications coming up to help businesses and also individuals in the near future so a very strong indicator that voice technologies already already here there are a lot of applications for for example one of the statistics says that like almost 30 percent of the us population do have smart speakers things like devices that they can talk to and the applications of home automation the fact that you can run the lights you can like like do um a full check for the uh security system it can even like turn on and off the oven so all these applications it has to do with home automation have been evolving in the past years and we can see a lot of this getting into business as well so mr how do what are the main tasks uh are we expecting for these assistants to conduct yeah i think for what we have seen so far with all these like voice assistants is like the simplest with things like managing calendar for example so we have our calendars we would like to book like different slots in our calendars and confirm these slots so voice assistants are very good at doing that in terms of like communicating the slots because also there is like very little number of information involved with that yes so reminders reminders is a very big point because it’s a voice system and also reminders always have been tied to voice so uh when we were like wanna walk up like wake up in the morning we want to have like sub watches all that smart assistants are very efficient and not because also they have a voice interface so reminders even like checking emails reading different articles so right now if you’re like multitasking if you’re doing something in the kitchen and you can actually get your smart like voice assistant to read an article for you so you’ll be multitasking like um so accessing emails managing calendars hitting reminders and a bunch of other tasks these things are actually happening right now like i personally use lots of these applications and it’s very very convenient of course also other things that has to do with home automation which is like controlling different facilities at your home running music lights etc that would bring me uh mr maddie to ask who is expected to be controlling this voice assistant market now and who is expected to be controlling it in the coming future yeah i think that’s up that’s a big question and also it’s like a big question mark because like definitely the big technologies companies are the ones in control because first they have the traffic and also they have advanced technologies so they are able to roll this out very quickly and we can see like companies like google they have their own like system google assistant and also given that they have an operating system for phones so by then like the google system is installed on android phones so but then there is a vast market for them they can already tap into the same thing goes for apple we have their own devices in their own software so they have siri for all like apple uh computers and apple devices and also lots of other emerging technology companies and competing technology companies they have their own like technology assistance which shows that based on having an ecosystem they are able to launch and take advantage of these systems one of the emerging trends that’s happening right now is that entrepreneurs and those who has like ideas for specific uses are able to either integrate some of these skills into some of these existing systems like alexa for example having elixir scales teaching some of these devices to do things beyond what it’s already doing or some other companies are coming up with their own devices to offer specific benefits specialized benefits to consumers so sir what are the biggest threats and drawbacks of these technologies yeah i think like once we start talking about intelligent automation and artificial intelligence we always have like the threats to job security for people because that’s the beginning of automation so a lot of us start thinking that our jobs are going to be partially automated yes so this is one aspect of it or not on an individual user perspective there are a lot of concerns about privacy because the way these devices work is that you you like for example this is a device and when i actually activate the device i say that i call the device by name and by then the device is activated by me calling the device name and for that the device has to be listening 24 7 for me to activate it which actually means that we can access the voices in the surrounding so a very big concern is privacy if i have a device like that and it can actually hear everything that’s happening so i have to be very mindful on where do i place this device and uh and also who’s gonna access this information so privacy is a very big concern for users like generally when we talk about the population we’re talking about like things like job security uh people who also think that like if my my phone if i can do it on my phone or i can type it on my computer so why would i need a voice assistant so this is also some population this is still have not reached the need for the voice system so these are all concerns but comes on top definitely is privacy and data protection um mr mighty is this technology controlled by the giants of the technology or there is a chance for the smaller teams and young entrepreneurs to uh have a role here yeah i think that’s a big question i think that this is something that’s emerging right now we cannot judge whether this is successful or not because technology is sophisticated you know like building a system like that has different steps and you need like you have a very strong thick stack to do that you have to have like for example how do you activate the device how to get the device to to kind of identify the word that you’re speaking and like transfer that into text and then process that and find the answers and then get the answer from being a text format into a voice format and speak it back how do you do them to do things like context switching like if you’re talking about a topic and then you change the topic they have to have the intelligence of linking these topics so these are all like technology challenges that requires advanced technology and advanced programming skills so um that actually makes it less likely for smaller companies and smaller teams to build something but there are like open source solutions this is starting to pop up which actually like free code this available in the internet that you can download and you can start building something with it which actually gives hope for these smaller teams and we started seeing like teams from around the world coming up with solutions like that so they use these open source technologies we build extra layers of technology and by then you’re able to utilize this for their own advantage but definitely we can see that like it’s a split the market is a split between the big like technology providers but by then if you can find a niche as an entrepreneur you can find a niche of something that you have experience with and you can design it in a way that allow people to converse with and then you have very specific responses that mostly like a big technology company is going to take time to get there that’s and provide you with a competitive advantage a very good example is one of the smart speakers that launched on kickstarter like um they kind of were raising funds through an online website through people actually pre-order the device that device was helping english speakers learn chinese so um and they were actually almost like 10 000 x so like they raised like 100 times the amount they wanted to raise so they wanted to raise ten thousand dollars they ended up raising over a million dollars so um this shows that there is a big market for that and even for those newcomers and a small team they can if they find the right niche if they build the right product they can actually create market for them so mr aldo at what extent these technologies will uh um affect the business building process and also uh the uh business owners and customers yeah i think when we talk about business because most of these applications are like for users and for home automation yes we are starting to see some applications getting into business but so far it’s quite basic like one of the applications in business for example is meeting management yes is that you have this as a meeting assistant so if we’re having a meeting here we have this is an assistant to like take notes and also uh brief us and what happened in the meeting and actually prepare the to-do list etc so these are becoming some basic business applications beside also you can use some of the other features like managing calendars etc but i think that there are very specific business uses things like running advertising campaigns in which that we see emerging trends so if i’m a business owner and i would like to reach customers and i would like to run advertising campaigns on different websites like facebook et cetera so um what i usually i need to know how to design such a campaign or i need to hire an agency so some of the um the technologies that’s emerging is that you can have an assistant to run your advertising so i can have a conversation with an assistant about who am i targeting like what are their age group what is the product that i’m selling and based on the information that i provide to this assistant they build and organize and manage the campaigns for me so this is this is huge actually because by then as a business owner i have direct access to running these advertising campaigns and reaching my customers relying on that intelligent assistance so running advertising campaigns maybe like onboarding new customers so if i if i run a medium enterprise with like 50 employees and i’m looking to scale to 70 in like two weeks so i’m gonna be on boarding 20 new uh people and i need to spend some time in training on boarding them some of the applications is on boarding new staff members and for that we have to have a smart assistant to be having a conversation with like new teammates yes indeed mr abdul finally how do we and our viewers get ready for the usage of such technology yeah i think like a very good point is to start using it right now so whenever you find the voice option like in an environment which you can have a voice option i think it’s good for you to start using it because also like all these applications are based on machine learning so the more you use it the more it’s going to get better so if you’re especially if you’re like technology minded and if you’d like to get these technologies to advance quickly start using that whenever you have an opportunity do not be shy once you for example if you’re driving and you would like to like be following this google maps you don’t have to be looking at device maybe like like train yourself to listen to it so this is like one aspect in terms of as users and also as employees and as staff and as workers i think it makes it much stronger and a stronger position to maintain like our career once we integrate with technology so um it’s going to be difficult for us to compete in the full scope of our work with technology but if we’re really smart about it we’re going to rely on technology and like for example if i have this intelligent assistant and i run an agency i’m going to get this assistant to my side as an agency so by then i’m not going to only use my intelligence but i’m using my intelligence and that of the assistant other than being replaced so try to avoid getting in like direct competition with that assistant but see how can you integrate it in your work yeah indeed so finally i’d like to thank you and mr abdul magdy a technology executive thank you for being with us thanks for having me thank you very much always a pleasure mr abdul and that our dear viewers will bring us to the end of this edition of the breakfast we were in the company of myself yeah and my dear kelly gesh thank you very much thank you mahisi and by that gpu as we come to the end of today’s edition see you tomorrow the new crew [Music] you
Tech Entrepreneur, engineer, teacher and researcher.
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