Happy Eid Everyone!

Salamo Alikum Everyone,

All my best wishes to my Muslim friends and associates for a happy and blessed Eid ul-Adha – or the celebration of sacrifice.

It reminds us of the core of our religion which is submission to God’s will, when we celebrate we had to remember that the reason we’re celebrating is that prophet Abraham submitted to the will of Allah in sacrificing his son Ismael because it’s god’s will.

We go through different situations when we’re required to either submit to the will of Allah communicated to us through our religious teachings or go with what we want, satisfying our ego or our social circle. When choosing to submit to Allah’s will the consequences will be the best for us, even if it doesn’t seem like it in the short term.

We should repeatedly read that part from the series of Allah’s names by Nabulsi (link: http://www.nabulsi.com/english-nab/ideology/names/names-24.php )

Once again: all of Allah’s Divine Acts are associated with His Absolute Divine Wisdom, which is, in turn, associated with the Absolute Good. This is the golden motto of human happiness.

Everything has its own reality; and no human can ever attain the reality of true faith until he believes that what afflicts him is impossible to miss him, and what misses him is impossible to afflict him. Mistakes and errors are only human qualities; they are by no means possible for the Creator, Allah, the All Wise. The seemingly wrong, unjust or unfair things are not really as such; they are under Allah’s Absolute Divine Wisdom.

That’s why at the beginning of the holy Qur’an in Surat Al-Baqarh, when god described the believers; described them with those who believe in the unseen, that’s what faith is all about.

Who believe in the Unseen, are steadfast in prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them [Qur’an 02:03]

May Allah’s blessings be upon you all

– Abdo

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