Politics Illustrated: Free Chocolate for Everyone!!

Hi All,

Thankfully, two posts a week as minimum hadn’t been broken so far, and I’m hoping to find more time to blog more frequently. General updates will be added as I get other projects I’m currently working on stabilized.

So, this time I’m inspired by a Facebook conversation with Sami with a little bit unusual political views!!

Political Views: Free chocolate for everyone party

Actually, related to that, we had the following conversation:

Abdo: Hey, how is your political career going? “Free chocolate for everyone party”! I haven’t got mine yet.

Sami: Hey you, I am just packing the free chocolate for everyone and I will pack an extra ounce one for you :)))) *

Abdo: So, I’ll get two, I’d join your party, though πŸ™‚

Sami: Hmmm, so you’d like to serve me or my party?! Or both?!! ;)))))

Abdo: Oh, so you see yourself excluded from your party? Who’s packing the free chocolate?

I got it, so the 2 chocolates I’m getting one from your party, and the other from you.

So, from a strict political mentality I’d say, “I’d support you inside your political party till reaching the presidency. This way I’ll always guarantee my free chocolates will be increasing”.

Sami: Materialist!!! :))))

Abdo: LOL no, just a politician πŸ™‚

Sami: You look too young to be a politician! ;)))

Abdo: It’s the experience in our years that makes us great politicians. the ability to twist, deceive and manipulate people. joking!

There is no one too young to work in politics, but there is people who’s too kind to work in politics, just like yourself, Sami πŸ™‚


And yes, this is politics illustrated!! wherever you are, within your family, at work, or even in a charity organization, that’s the principle of everyday politics:

What’s in it for me – how can I get what I want and keep it coming.

That’s why Free Chocolate for everyone party, will find hard time surviving in a political environment. Except they have an intelligent man like myself leading them, I’ll be doing a great job for humanity too, with loads of free chocolate to manage.

What a devoted, sincere, public-centered leader am I?!!

– Abdo

** Published with Sami’s approval.

Sharing Link: https://abdomagdy.com/wzkn4a

Prison Break: Lay It Down Slow

Dear All,

As you might know I had been busy during this week and a reason of being busy that you might don’t know was Prison Break. After finishing my exams I had this strange feeling of watching the rest of Prison Break as I watched season one only. And during this week I watched season two, three and four.

I really don’t remember much of what I watched and don’t really care that much, as I wanted just to be up-to-date with what’s happening in the world including what people watch, not to live like a freaky stranger.

What touched me the most was, actually two ideas:

The Ending:

How the whole story turned out, made me look to the story as a practical life lesson, a very deep life lesson. I saw it as a reflection of justice in the situations of people involved. I believe people are born alike in their desire for good or bad and life is about decisions we make. At the end life will never settle down except with the good for the good and the bad for the bad, either in this life or thereafter.

Any challenge that we pass with in life should be looked at this way, and how right we do in it, is what determines how good things will turn out for us.

Human Relationships:

Human relationship still a very mysterious subject to me. Decisions you take in life that involve others need so much weighting to what’s valuable, what’s worthy and what is not. The fundamental idea of the show is the sacrifice of someone doing good in his life according to our standards, to help his innocent brother out of prison. Then getting back to help team mates, whom had been his enemies at some point.

A situation and a phrase in the show, even made me discover things still inside myself, and related to some situations I had been through. May be because growing up with a clean tongue, I wasn’t able to say it when I was supposed to. The guy’s reaction when he knew that it was a set up, made me laugh, in evil.

“You whore! You’re a whore, and your mother was a whore, and her mother, and your father used to turn tricks at a gas station, cause he was a whore too!”

Hey, I know it’s just a TV show, but still time investment on entertainment can get back to you with thoughts deeper than you imagine.

This is just a random post celebrating my freedom from Prison Break. And might blog more thoughts about it when I have a better chance.

Had to get busy, real productively busy right now.

if you got dreams in your heart
why don’t you share them with me?
and if dreams don’t come true
I’ll make sure that your nightmares
are through

if you got pain in your heart
why don’t you share it with me?
and we’ll just wait and see
if it’s half what it used to be

and lay it down slow
lay it down free
lay it down easy
but lay it on me

if you’ve got love in your heart
why don’t you keep it with mine?
I can’t promise a miracle
but I’ll always be trying

and lay it down slow
lay it down free
lay it down easy
but lay it on me

lay it down easy
lay it on me

lay it down easy
but lay it on me

– Abdo

Sharing Link: https://abdomagdy.com/yz9vas