Islamic Headscarf ‘Hijab’ – An Inner Dialouge

Hi All,

Just liked a video on YouTube and thought to bring attention to it. The video is about the Islamic headscarf or Hijab, presenting an inner dialogue for a Muslim woman taking the decision and have plenty of questions.

Watch on YouTube:

You can also subscribe to that YouTube channel, some good work are being done there.


– Abdo

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Unity In the Holy Quran

Asalamo Alikum WB everyone,

In this post we’re going to explore how the Holy Qur’an encouraged Muslims to unite and how the stories in the holy Qur’an built an analogy to the unity between Muslims that we’re all seeking today.

First of all, let’s explore different definitions to unity and which one the Qur’an meant when mentioning unity between Muslims.

Logical definition:

Unity is grouping some units together to form a more solid structure. Let’s see an example from the wise man who while dying, wanted to teach his kids the meaning of unity, so asked everyone of them to take a stick and break it, it’s easily broken, but when we collect those sticks together, it’s much more harder to break.

And told them: That’s why my sons you’re supposed to be always together; not to be easily broken individually by your enemies.

So, according to this definition; unity is being safe by being with those who share the same fate, you unite with them to be safe, so if you can handle it yourself, why might you consider uniting with them?

Strategic definition:

Let’s go across some strategic definition, that definition is much more clear in business and military, achieving an economic benefit or a strategic advantage.

If I as a single unit will be able to achieve a little, while If I united with some other people who share my vision, we’ll together have much more resources and we’ll be able to achieve more profit individually, or defend ourselves against common enemies, with much more “resources”.

So unity is sharing of resources to achieve things that couldn’t be achieved individually. So, there is still something for the “self” that motivate people for unity and when I think about establishing such strategic unity, I should be wondering; what’s in it for me ..

Islamic definition:

So which definition of those would be more close to the idea of Muslim unity, in Islam we have a more solid concept when it comes to unity:

“The Believers are but a single Brotherhood.” [Al-Hujurat 49:10]

So, Muslim unity isn’t like the solid structure or the strategic allegiance, it’s sharing of not only destiny but the way that leads to it as well. And this unity is established not upon fear from challenges or profit and strategic advantage, but upon brotherhood!

This is the strongest human relationship, if we look to the issue individually the meaning of being a Muslim is being as close as my brother and sister.

So, why aren’t Muslims united nowadays! Why there is always problems among Muslim countries,  Islamic groups and even different schools of thought. Why there is always attacks and hatred sometimes inside the single mosque?

Sharing the goal and destiny of living according to God’s guidance is what bring Muslims as close as brothers and sister. The Qur’an stated that everyone is in a loss except those who unite and join together in Allah’s way.

“By (the Token of) Time (through the ages), Verily Man is in loss, Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy.” [Qur’an 09:47]

The holy Qur’an calling all those people with different backgrounds, from different nationalities or different groups to unite and not divide themselves because of  some minor differences.

“And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude Allah.s favour on you; for ye were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His Grace, ye became brethren; and ye were on the brink of the pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus doth Allah make His Signs clear to you: That ye may be guided.” [Quran 03:103]

But, isn’t unity being used to manipulate communities, by pushing them to either deviate from the authentic teachings of their religion or accept a methodology that will harm them in the long run.

The holy Qur’an opens our eyes to some people among us who might intend harm to the Muslim community, like happened in Ohod from the hypocrites.

So, unity isn’t just a romantic word to group all people together giving absolutely no thought to those who might intend harm to us. The holy Qur’an says about hypocrites in Ohod:

“Had they marched out with you, they would have added to you nothing except disorder, and they would have hurried about in your midst (spreading corruption) and sowing sedition among you – and there are some among you who would have listened to them. And Allah is the All-Knower of the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers). [Quran 103:1~3]

So, as much as the Holy Qur’an encourage us to unite and get over all our differences, also, having a strategy and understanding the motives of some groups that will seek to deviate us from the truth had been presented as well.

As we saw from these verses in the Holy Qur’an the Muslim community is supposed to be solid and united, despite all the differences the one-to-one relationship had to keep as close as “brotherhood” and “sisterhood”.

At the judgment day, all these forms of hatred or dis-unity are going to be removed from our hearts.

“And We shall remove from their hearts any lurking sense of injury: (they will be) brothers (joyfully) facing each other on thrones (of dignity).” [Qur’an 15:47]

So, why not to start removing it from now?

– Abdelrahman

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Choosing friends …

The prophet Mohamed PBUH said:

‘A good friend and a bad friend are like a perfume-seller and a blacksmith: The perfume-seller might give you some perfume as a gift, or you might buy some from him, or at least you might smell its fragrance. As for the blacksmith, he might singe your clothes or at the very least you will breathe in the fumes of the furnace.”

[sahih al-Bukhari, vol 3, #314 & Muslim]

Hollywood seeking Muslims and Arabs

Hi All,

That guy keep bringing me incredible laughs!

Just to clarify something, Muslims does come from every ethnicity and background so you can’t define someone as Muslim by look, and Arabs make 18% only of the total population of Muslims.

– Abdo

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Lessons In Unity – Outlines

Asalamo Alikum (Peace be upon you) All,

Three weeks ago, I decided to start Vlogging and actually provided an Ice-Breaking video, expressing my intention to start Vlogging starting with the topic of “Unity of Muslims”. Since then I had been thinking of the ideal way to presented the topic and came to some ideas, that I’ll be trying to get clear in that post.

The series’s title will be “Lessons In Unity” and its goal is to explore incidents – usually battles – throughout our Islamic History where we united and show different situations, concepts and analogies related to the unity of Muslims.

Out of brainstorming, I structured the series in 10 lessons that will communicate the meanings we need to understand today, in order to conceive and seek unity between us Muslims the right way, I focus on having a certain logical flow of information so each lesson adds a new concept we’re prepared to understand from the last one and wider our view in a certain way.

The lessons is structured as follows:

1. Unity as a Concept

In this light introduction, I’ll present why unity is important by couple of very famous analogies, then will discuss 3 main concepts that goes against unity of Muslims. The concepts are Racism, Nationalism and Sectarianism.

2. Sahaba’s Perception of Unity:

To form a solid, stable structure; you had to make sure that the units you use in that structure is actually solid and stable at first place. The strength of a wall you’re intending to build, is directly dependent on the strength of every single building block you’ll use in it.

The same concept applies to building communities, to unite people you had to make those people ready for unity before trying to unite them. By changing their mentalities and as a result their behaviors, attitudes and qualities towards the their brothers and sisters who share their religion.

As such concepts had been sharply clear in the way the companions of the prophet (PBUH) united after Hijra. The brotherhood, personal qualities and attitudes between Mohajereen & Ansar would be the subject of the 2nd episode of this series Insha’ Allah (God Willing).

3. Sahaba’s Different Interpretations

Could Muslims have different approaches to a certain Islamic ruling or a in finding a solution to a certain problem, we do have different schools of thoughts, so how those people who started these schools of thoughts conceived unity of Muslims? what’s the red lines that should not be crossed when we talk about different approaches, when a certain approach should be considered excessive and unacceptable in a Muslim community.

The feasibility and flexibility to have different approaches to a problem,  had been obvious in a certain situation when Sahaba (RA) interpreted an order gave by the prophet (PBUH) differently and how they dealt with each others upon their difference and how Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) reacted to the issue.

By discussing that, I want to bring to our attention that among us Muslims, we should have the flexibility to accept others’ opinions and interpretations and be mature enough to maintain our brotherhood with those who conceive things differently. And at the same time we should never tolerate those who ruin our Islamic teachings by having unacceptable approaches.

4. Ohod’s Unity Pitfalls

The battle of Ohod is rich with unity lessons, it shows two types of deviations. Among the Muslims one third of the Muslim army left the battlefield because of the heads of hypocrisy within the Muslim community itself. Then those who preferred this life and didn’t obey Prophet’s orders, caused a lot of harm to Muslims.

I’ll present those two deviated groups in the battle of Ohod in order for us to understand ourselves and how practically things get to work. To know that there is among us may be those who can harm us more than our enemies and among us those who’ll go for their own agendas.

Presenting that in the context of Unity will give us the maturity we need, not to be easily fooled or deceived while sincerely seeking unity. As Allah SWT says in the holy Quran:

Had they marched out with you, they would have added to you nothing except disorder, and they would have hurried about in your midst (spreading corruption) and sowing sedition among you – and there are some among you who would have listened to them. And Allah is the All-Knower of the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers). [Quran 09:47].

5. Hussein (RA) & Muslim Unity

We can’t deny that disunity had taken place at some point after prophet Mohamed’s death, and there had been some battles within the Muslim community itself. I’ll present that subject not by getting back to what historically happened, who was right and who was wrong. But how should be conceive it and how what happened should even bring the Muslim community closer and unite us upon righteousness.

A lot of emotional energy from the martyrdom of Imam Hussien (RA) is being manipulated to misguide Muslims, especially new Muslims and those with no access to appropriate Materials. We’ll see how Hussien (RA) in Karbalaa have done everything possible for the unity of Muslims, and the disunity had been actually caused by those who betrayed him.

6. Saladin’s Leadership Model

Had the Muslim unity been just something of the past when prophet Mohamed (PBUH) and the righteous companion been there, we’ll explore how in medieval Islam, Muslims united against crusades under the leadership of Saladin.

I’ll focus on exploring the issue of Leadership, taking Saladin as a leadership model and focusing on couple of incidents that shows how strong, wise and righteous he was and the Muslim leader should be. And also, how the Muslim community united under his leadership.

7. Unity Against Mongols

Mongols is considered one of the greatest dangers faced the Muslim community since its existence, politically Muslims had been totally and completely disunited during the beginning of the attacks from the Mongols, even some was helping the Mongols killing Muslims and occupying Muslim lands.

But how Muslims united at such circumstances, even inside the single country there had been fights between different groups. How Kotoz the Muslim leader was able to unite all Muslims against their enemy and win the battle of Ain Jalot.

I’ll be focusing on Kotoz as an excellent politician dealing with different groups seeking power, and then as a fighter by shouting Wa Islamah (O! My Islam) in the battlefield.

8. 1973 War’s Unity

No one can deny that in our Modern history the limited victory in 1973 war was a result of a limited unity, In a trail to bring hope and show that unity isn’t something dates back to centuries. I’ll show some signals of unity between Egypt, Syria, Libya and Saudi Arabia and different Muslim countries in this war against the Zionist occupation.

9. Muslim Resources

Who are we? This is going to be statistics and representation to the ability of us Muslims and how powerful the Muslim world could grow if we really united.

10. Personal Roles

Finally, how could me and you participate in the Unity of the Muslim community, what’s the values and qualities should we live with. Out of the ideas we’ll discuss, we’ll get to a certain points that we should all keep in mind to achieve unity on the long run. And work for unity between even the local Muslim communities.

Just adding general points about the publishing of the series.

Publishing Format:

The nature of videos is being quick, light and persuasive and It won’t be practical to cover every lessons in a 5 ~ 10 minutes video! and make all points clear enough for the audience; thus, I’ll be considering the videos as the conclusion and will use it for what It should be eye-opening, persuasive and light, while the technical points and the detailed description of the incidents will be published as articles on this blog Insha’ Allah (God Willing), while the videos will be published on YouTube and Muxlim mainly.

By the end of the series, I’ll collect my writings and the ideas generated out of research and interaction and produce a PDF document including all the ideas discussed and all the lessons learned.

The main publishing framework though, is going to be my personal blog here, so If you’re interested in the series the ideal way to keep yourself updated is to subscript to the blog feeds, or you can connect with me on different social networking sites.

Qualification & References:

What makes me qualified to talk about this subject, I was grown up in a religious family and had a considerable amount of religious education, so all these incidents I studied before, plus the series is “Practical Lessons” all what I do is having access to authentic information and use my logic in communicating with the audience taking the context and our current status as Muslims into account, and highlighting the points that will be beneficial.

I’m from the mainstream Muslims and don’t associate myself with any Muslim group or school of thought, except following the authentic teachings of Islam from the Holy Quran & Sunnah, that’s why I won’t be using that series to Market for a certain group or a school of thought.

Of course, I prepare from references that I’m adding in this post, The majority of my preparations if not all of it is from Arabic sources, which include mainly the following books and taps:

* الرحيق المختوم. بحث في السيرة النبوية – فضيلة الشيخ صفي الدين المباركفوري

* دروس وعبر من سيرة خير البشر – دروس في غزوة أحد – الدكتور محمد المختار محمد المهدي

* أباطيل يجب أن تمحي من التاريخ – الدكتور إبراهيم شعوط

* سيرة صلاح الدين الأيوبي – القاضي بهاء الدين المعروف بإبن شداد

* و اإسلاماه – علي أحمد باكثير

* التتار – دكتور راغب السرجاني

May Allah SWT accept our work, and hope that would be beneficial in somehow Insha’ Allah (God Willing)

– Abdelrahman

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