Salam Everyone,
I’m starting or restarting to listen to an amazing series that helped me much in phases of my life, I wanted to make that restart long time ago, but things just worked out to b starting it just now.
The name of God I listened to this morning as Al-Muhaymen The following is some Twitter posts, I post real time from my head.
The meaning of the Al-Muhaimen can be summed up in: Ultimate Knowledge + Ultimate Capability + Knowing the future #Nabulsi
As humans we can have knowledge about something and a few of us would have the top knowledge in that matter, so that’s a point
Some of humans can be more skilled in something than the others, they’re capable of doing something more than the rest.
It’s very rare in humans to find someone who’s knowledgeable + capable in the same field, in the same situation #Nabulsi
You can measure that in anything you’re doing, you might have a great knowledge on how to grow your business but lack resources#Nabulsi
So with lacking capability while having the knowledge, you can’t go forward growing your business. Equation is incomplete #Nabulsi
While some others might have the resources you need the capability, they lack the knowledge to get things going. Eq. incomplete #Nabulsi
In life it’s rare to find someone who’s knowledgeable + capable in the same field or in the same situation #Nabulsi
Rarely if knowledge and capability met, always there are going to be insecurity about the future, no human knows what will be#Nabulsi
The name of God Al-Muhaymen means that god has the Ultimate Knowledge + Capability + Owns the future in every moment and situation #Nabulsi
The meaning of Al-Muhaymen is what calls us for submission to him and not anyone else or even ourselves #Nabulsi
Our lack of knowledge, ability and security about the future is what should drive us to relying on Al-Muhaymen and none else #Nabulsi
Human arrogance when we think we can be Muhaymen, when we think we can be in control by ourselves when we superficially own smthing #Nabulsi
Human arrogance can be shown in Titanic, the most knowledgeable eng. most skilled builders, so you think you’re in control? #Nabulsi
Human arrogance can be shown in Challenger; everything is calculated and under complete control? Complete in fire after few seconds #Nabulsi
Human arrogance is our daily situations, that me and you go through believing we owned it, we planned to it and we’ll surely get it #Nabulsi
That’s why our core is submission, the name of our religion and lifestyle we should have #Nabulsi #Muhaymen
We lose the path when we obsess upon something to the extend of forgetting that we’re created to believe & trust only #AlMuhaymen#Nabulsi
And that’s my friend when we need to be punished by bitterness in the heart to submit to #AlMuhaymen again
– Abdelrahman