Remembering #Gaza

Hi Everyone,

Today reminds us with the Israeli aggression against #Gaza last year, which ended with more than 1300+ kills majority among women and children.

If you’re on Twitter, at the moment, you should participate in a campaign about #Gaza by placing #Gaza in your tweets and keep #Gaza a trending topic as much as you can.

Here is a reminder of some writings I wrote before about Gaza:

War on Gaza, background for truth seekers:

Had you been to Gaza? founder of IfAmericansKnew did:

Had you been to Gaza? Rachel Corrie did:

Media lies: Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land:

Keep the spirit up

– Abdelrahman


From Braveheart to Brokenheart!

Dear All,

I started working with Adobe Premiere Pro producing some videos for YouTube. As I’m starting to talk about unity, picked up that scene from Braveheart, showing how could calling for unity might be deceptive.

Leave you with the video:

YouTube Link:

Calling for unity against a common enemy among people that share a religious belief, country or even a business is very logical and a sign of maturity of whom calling for unity.

But that’s not always the case, some people will sharply betray when it’s the real time. some for a piece of land, some money and others for their own political agenda.

In this clip from Braveheart, I try to communicate that meaning, Wallace won the first battle by himself and the people loved him and followed him as they saw his goal is freedom for all of them.

When it came to the critical preparation for a battle in which he’ll need the help of the other group, he called for unity and actually been promised.

At the hardest time when he sent the sign for the other group to attack, he discovered that he had been betrayed, look into his eyes to realize how it feels when discover that you had been betrayed and learn the lesson and make sure who are you uniting with.

This is a lesson to learn when calling for unity, is that person or group of people actually want to unite for the best of the community, or they’re doing that for their own agenda!

Sorry for the incorrect dimensions and low quality, I’ll fix it in the upcoming videos. Hit the HQ button for now for better preview.

Unite yes, but keep your eyes open for whom you’re uniting with.

Hope you enjoyed it and found it beneficial.
– Abdo