Hey There,
It had been a while and I’m thinking to troubleshoot some minor problems in the blog, the #MuslimUnity wasn’t supposed to appear as a page and create a second raw in the upper links. I had to dive in the database and get its ID to fix it. It’ll still be reachable via https://abdomagdy.com/unity
The second thing is that the comments was duplicated when I installed Disqus that problem appeared, from a web developer point of view its fixed but it’s not quite systematically right. We call that a hack.
I wanted to make an icon to my Muxlim profile among the gang at the header, but never had the time to and I don’t know how while working on a project that require so much concentration and stuff to do for the first time, I found the time to troubleshoot the problems here and design the icon too.
Any suggestion to tweak the look of the blog people?
– Abdo