Through Egypreneur I’m seeking to establish a support network for sharing ideas and experience for those who started, starting or planning to start their own businesses. And for those who want to watch and learn too until they have a chance to get their hands dirty..
Joomla! based web portal development. Products display Using VirtuMart and content management using JoomSuite Content.
Professional website design for a property management business. Using valid XHTML & CSS. Dynamic functionality using PHP.
Professional website design for a divorce expert, using valid XHTML & CSS and JavaScript. Use of self-hosted WordPress blog with design matching the site’s overall design.
Professional website for a student activity during 2008, using valid XHTML & CSS and Access Database for storing and retrieving students’ data. Dynamic functionality using PHP.
Simple & Beautiful website design for a professional photographer’s exhibition, using valid XHTML & CSS.
This group is the first step in establishing an online community for Egypt’s design professionals that will offer a communication and interaction portal that will help design professionals in Egypt excel in their careers and businesses and open opportunity for collaboration too, Insha’ Allah.
As a web pro, I decided I had to have my own web log, keeping in touch with people I know online and making contain my writings and contribution in it, that’s what I do at my personal blog.
That blog is going to be my contribution to the development community, DeveloperMan is considered my developer brand, you know it’s sort of representation to my childhood SuperPower dreams; SpiderMan, BatMan, SuperMan, so thought to start with DeveloperMan.
Reaching Out (2) – Starting an Online Business
Hi All,
This speech had been delivered by myself July, 21, at Cairo ToastMasters club.It was my 4th speech at the competent communicator track where my objective was “How To Say It” so while preparing this speech my main emphasis was picking the right words and forming the right phases and getting away from using jargon or difficult words. This speech is supposed to be from five to seven minutes.
By the way, I’ll rewrite the content in more details and publish it and make Vlogs about it in the future, really delivering these speeches inspired me with some business ideas that I’ll be executing in the coming few months. here, on DeveloperMan and Al-Adham Web Solutions.
Last time we stated general points in reaching out to people on the internet and gave basic steps you had to follow in order to be successful in your online communication using different social networks. Let’s remember, it was “Be there, participate, engage and then personalize” Last Speech
This time, we’ll explore a new model of what’s called online businesses, where there is no physical office and business is totally being ran online by a freelancer or a team of freelancers. The same ideas apply to a company trying to expand its client-base through the internet.
This business model is found to be convenient by designers, programmers, IT professionals, writers and consultants.
There is 4 major steps that you should follow to run a successful online business.
The first obvious step in running a successful online business is to have a strong online presence, that’s a website; the idea about your business is being reflected through your website, putting a small investment on getting your website done professionally will save a lot of troubles on the long run.
Having your own domain name is essential; it’s strange seeing some people still seeking to run online businesses using a freely hosted blogs or websites, investing $10 and getting your own domain name and email, is an essential step to run a successful online business. So, present yourself professionally, chose the right domains and create the right email addresses.
I remember when I was having a “computer networks” course with participants who were elder than me, I was eighteen at this time and most of them were at their mid or late twenties. We exchanged our contact information, and I gave them my fancy email at this time which was abdo37_sk3, the next session I accidentally heard a discussion where someone was asking have you added them, not all, look at that email, what an idiot! Why should I add him!
After that, I got my emails sorted out professionally, so having your own domain and emails will not only give your audience the smell of professionalism, but will save you from being labeled as an idiot too.
It’s not hard to get a professional online presence, it’s usually very quick and affordable, the difference is made by the marketing plan this online business will utilize to reach out to people.
Having a few pages about your business, won’t be more than getting some other pages stuck on the already dense internet, if it’s not backed by a strong marketing plan. The ultimate goal from marketing an online business should be putting your website in front of interested prospects’ eyes. The most famous techniques are:
The regular PR work: building relations with other already popular sites, adding the site to business directories
Paid advertising: where you can seek to show your website to a specific group of people filtered by age, gender or location interested in something specific.
SEO or search engines optimization: is helping your website being found by prospects searching for a certain keyword that you chose to optimize the website for.
The next step would be getting the visitors involved with the site the moment they see it to ensure it won’t be just a onetime visit. The repetition of the marketing message is what will convince those visitors to become interested and finally use your services. Some tools that are being used to involve visitors with the site are:
Newsletter: Is collecting visitors’ emails and sending them regular Email updates about your business, which is being considerably replaced by the next point.
Business blogs: Where articles and updates are being posted regularly on a part of the website and the audiences get involved with that content, by commenting and interacting.
Widgets: Involving people would be by finding where they frequently are, for example if they’re using Facebook regularly why not to make a Facebook page to your business and interact with them on it, you’ll find these widget things that will help you connect your site or blog with other famous networks where it’ll be much more easier for people to involve with you.
Congratulations, you’re now winning projects, and people are asking you to get their projects done. There is a lot of online communication and project management tools that will help you manage your projects effectively, starting from an IM and VoIP service like Skype, through which you can chat and talk with your clients to full project management tools and client management applications, where the client can check all the information about his project on a certain part of your website.
Through these four steps professional presentation, seeking the right audience, involving and engaging visitors and getting them interested in your service and finally managing the projects and the client communication the right way.
We could now, congratulate you on joining the league of successful online entrepreneurs.
– Abdo
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Forgivness – Prophet Joseph!
Hey Everyone,
Keeping track of some Tweets on forgiveness for future posts 🙂
@Rana_Asaad It depends if the person made wrong to you sincerely apologized, you should. If not, I have a word there.
@Rana_Asaad Sometimes we deceive ourselves that we forgive while we really don’t and shouldn’t
@Rana_Asaad If the person made wrong to you still holding the same position, don’t lean till they apologize to your satisfaction
@Rana_Asaad As the person didn’t acknowledge the mistake and ask for forgiveness, then forgiveness is an act of weakness & idiocy!
Let’s look to the act of prophet Joseph and his forgiveness to his brothers who not only tried to kill him, but spoke bad about him too.
After they got to meet while he’s in a high position in Egypt and it had been decided for his bro to stay as of stealing something
The brothers who united in killing Joseph said what, they said he’s just a thief like his other brother!!
What did prophet Jospeh did? forgiveness, no he said بل أنتم شراً مكانا, والله أعلم بما تصفون
Forgiveness from a prophet didn’t come until they acknowledged their mistake and boldly stated their error, قال لا تثريب عليكم اليوم
@Rana_Asaad Oh, I was just having the same thoughts and get to that conclusion, that’s why have a lot to say 🙂
@Rana_Asaad I have no solution to that point, It seems easier not to hold -VE feelings, for anyone, but who said that if you forgive ..
@Rana_Asaad The person won’t take advantage of you and you’ll end up with more -VE feelings!
some people idealize forgiveness to the extend of making it the only solution when mistakes is done to you this is delusional forgiveness!!
It’ll make you a better person to let it go and move on. Are those individuals more righteous than prophet Joseph?
We’re programmed that the opposite of forgiveness is revenge which is a bad thing indeed.
The point is just you need to put ’em in the position where they say sorry, just to forgive ’em
This is called social punishment, in which you’re protecting your fellows from going through similar exp. by punishing the wrong-doers
Finally, you’ll clean the society from wrong behavior as that person will think 1000 times before making the same mistake again
You’ll clean your heart from any form of hatred, as egoistically there is no reason not to forgive someone saying “I’m sorry”
Amazing video on Real Forgiveness: Acknowledge your mistakes, you’re punished “in prison” then I forgive you!
I’m my neighbor’s Qur’an
Salam Everyone,
This is a very interesting video posted by a new Muslim sister who reverted to Islam and facing opposition to her decision by her family, I enjoyed watching all her videos so far and has so much respect for her, you can subscribe to her channel on YouTube:
Watch on YouTube:
My Neighbors Quran
I am my neighbors Quran;
He reads me when we meet.
Today he reads me in my home—
Tomorrow in the street.
He may a relative or friend
Or slight acquaintance be;
He may not even know my name,
Yet he is reading me.
And, pray, who is this neighbor
Who reads me day by day
To learn if I am living right
And walking as I pray?
Oh, he is with me always
To criticize and blame,
So worldy-wise in his own eyes,
And Sinner is his name.
Dear Muslim sister, friends and brothers,
If we could only know
How faithfully the world records
Just what we say and do;
Oh, we would write our record plain
And come in time to see
Our worldly neighbor won to Allah
While reading you and me. ¯Author Unknown
Please note that I did not write this poem but if anyone knows who did I’d be happy to list it. InshAllah.*
* Copied from Video description by justmissmarla
Forgiveness in relationships
Hey All,
I had an interesting chat with an amazing service on Twitter called @WikiOsra An Arabic family and relationship portal, As the Twitter stream fade away with time I thought to keep it here unedited and get back to a post whenever I have more time.
@wikiosra Well, let’s say it’s about the actions after breaking-up. I’ll give you some real examples.
@wikiosra Let’s assume 2 break-ups and I’ll present the concept through ’em. a basic background would be necessary.
@wikiosra Assume that the girl started showing interest, while the guy isn’t considering it at all, and that goes on for months.
@wikiosra In which the girl will demonstrate readiness to do whatever to get into this relationship. Let’s say the guy falls for it
@wikiosra After which she changes completely to a bit deceptive mind-gamer, may be wounded for the time she considered herself ignored.
@wikiosra Let’s say during these mind-games she makes a Major mistake that’s not acceptable by the guy and he takes a sharp step backward
@wikiosra Assuming that a step had to be taken for her side to fix things up, which doesn’t come then. He announces no-interest anymore.
@wikiosra In a very nice and forgiving way as that shouldn’t be done like that, but there is no problem I forgive but can’t accept it.
@wikiosra Let’s assume that her social circle @ college for example were aware of what’s going on and accordingly after that kind break-up
@wikiosra And forgiveness she goes to deceptive talks and situations and intentionally prepared set-ups. Should we consider forgiveness?
@wikiosra What if we don’t actually feel like forgiving out of experiencing these set-ups. After forgiving and talking nicely!
@wikiosra that’s the first analogy to demonstrate when and with whom we shouldn’t announce forgiveness. May be one of the main reasons
@wikiosra That person went forward with deceptive games knowing that she’s forgiven & not feel the size of the mistakes.
@wikiosra The point here also has to do with the perception of the social circle to that break-up. Something girls care much about.
@wikiosra Let’s go with the 2nd analogy. Break-up time and as we know in a relationship, not everything is known to everyone outside.
@wikiosra The guys announces a complete verified story about the deceptiveness of the girl he broke-up with.
@wikiosra Everyone boldly knows what went wrong and the society conceives the issue as it is. The other partner find no way outta that.
@wikiosra everything is shown now in context. And as a someone Major wrong had been done to you, you feel much better now
@wikiosra Assume that you have a chance to talk with that ex, the conversation would be with her realizing the bold mistake she’s done.
@wikiosra Now, she can say sorry, I made wrong to you. And you as a forgiving person, now you’re perfectly entitled to forgive and let it go
@wikiosra This forgiveness didn’t happen till and shouldn’t until the partner sincerely apologize and acknowledge his/her mistakes.
@wikiosra If you make-up forgiveness as the society says that forgiveness is a good thing and you’ll feel better after it.
@wikiosra you’ll actually end-up with a deeper offense and don’t forgive this time, so you lost the feeling of forgiving and more.
@wikiosra But when you put people in the position to feel their need to apologize and they realize their major mistake.
@wikiosra Then I can judge you whether you’re forgiving or not. But before being in this situation, you’re just trying to make urself feel better
@wikiosra So, I’m trying to say that the concept of “Social Punishment” if most likely to protect the community than unbounded forgiveness
@wikiosra This is a good analogy to forgiveness, after stating mistakes first.
Reaching Out – Online Networking
Hi Everyone,
This is a speech I delivered at Cairo ToastMasters club June, 23. The speech title had been “reaching out” and it was my 3rd speech at the competent communicator track, where the speech’s objective is “get to the point”.
So getting to the point here, the general purpose of the speech had been to make the audience aware of the fundamentals of networking and internet marketing. The specific purpose was to encourage the audience to effectively utilize social networks in their daily life, whether for expressing their political opinions, marketing their businesses or positioning themselves as competent professionals in their fields.
Notice that writing for a speech is different that writing an article and the style – in my case – is going according to the requirements in the project’s manual.
Since the beginning of mankind and formation of communities, people were seeking to reach out to others. The criteria that made some people more powerful than the rest was their ability to reach out to the public and spread their ideas, winning people’s trust and taking the lead in forming the identity of their communities.
No one can deny that the internet is the largest community ever known to mankind, and these principles does apply to the internet. Let’s take a look to some practical incidents that recently proved that. The Iranian elections, wasn’t the protests first reported on Twitter before even the mainstream media know about it.
War on Gaza, when the Israeli Army denied the western media from entering Gaza during the massacres, wasn’t these massacres reported Live! on YouTube, Facebook and other social networks? Not getting so far away from Egypt, the 6th of April movement in Egypt, wasn’t it started on Facebook and created one of the most politically striking movements by the Egyptian youth?
Let me tell you something very recent and I attended it myself, the white house was managing a chat room using Acrobat Connect with average 400 participant during Obama’s speech in Cairo, and that chat room was marketed via Facebook Ads. Plus, during the speech if you were on YouTube, you’d notice that upper banner with a link to the Live! speech.
Let’s see how sxephil a 23 years old guy, was able to have more than 400,000 subscribers on YouTube, and how his content usually reach more than 1 Million viewer per week. Also, through the internet people build their full time freelancing career, and ecommerce businesses is being started everyday.
All these incidents and more prove the importance of the internet as an effective marketing tool, and does prove to us that the investment that we’ll make to explore how to effectively utilize social media for spreading our ideas is really worthy.
We’ll go through 4 main steps we should all do in order to effectively use social media to achieve our goals:
Be There
Being on social networks is free, quick and easy. Creating an account in the networks that’s relevant to the one’s interests is the first step for anyone planning to effectively utilize the power of the internet to pursue his/her goals.
Joining doesn’t mean a lot, if you’re not planning to participate with quality content that’s relevant to your network’s interests. Since you’re there it’s an investment of time and effort you put to produce quality content, from your own ideas and inspirations.
As content is king; the quality of your content will determine how far you’ll reach within the community.
Producing your own content, will usually result in being anxious for people to read and interact with your content. That might result in spamming people with content they’re not interested in. So the solution to that is to engage with the community, read their content and interact, your content will be most likely to be noticed.
Example of that, is replying to a popular YouTube video with a relevant reply, commenting on Facebook status messages .etc
People will always be touched by genuine individuals and content, so going all the way to marketing might result in being impersonal in communication, while in actuality, you’re supposed to maintain a personal touch in all your content and interactions as people either buy or get convinced by people who they have some kind of emotioal connection with.
The internet provides a valuable framework, if smartly utilized, it can enormously help you achieve your personal, professional or business goals.
Thanks everyone and happy networking.
– Abdo
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Me on DeviantART?
Salam Everyone,
Hey congratulate me people, I made some progress with my DeviantART account, it’s funny that after so long I finally updated my Avatar!! For me – as I posted before about transition from a Geek to a normal human being (Post: ) DeviantART should be a part of this transition.
I remember when someone who has passion for Art showed me some designs there, I said wow, look at the license it’s CC, that might be suitable for a project I’m working on. That reflects the attitude of the geek/business-man I had for the last three years, must say having that attitude was the right thing to have and I’m happy with where it brought me practically, having my own company and demonstrating high level of technical knowledge and professionalism at work.
While I’m not an artist and not even a wannabe one, I’m just getting into it for well-being and tasting things, which is a quality practical people might lose with time if they don’t allow the time to explore it. I’m currently more about web and software interface design, photo retouching and maybe photography in the near future.
Feel free to connect with me there:
Theophany of perfection – Ibn El-Arabi
Hey Everyone,
One of the most amazing pieces of spiritual writings I’ve ever read or heard for Ibn El-Arabi:
Listen, O dearly beloved!
I am the reality of the world, the centre of the circumference,
I am the parts and the whole.
I am the will established between heaven and Earth,
I have created perception in you only in order to be the object of my perception.
If then you perceive Me, you perceive yourself.
But you cannot perceive Me through yourself,
It is through my eyes that you see Me and see yourself,
Through your eyes you cannot see Me.
Dearly beloved!
I have called you so often and you have not heard Me.
I have shown myself to you so often and you have not seen Me.
I have made myself fragrance so often, and you have not smelled Me,
Savorous food, and you have not tasted Me.
Why can you not reach Me through the object you touch
Or breathe Me through the sweet perfumes?
Why do you not see Me? Why do you not hear Me?
Why? Why? Why?
For you my delights surpass all other delights,
And the pleasure I procure you surpass all other pleasures.
For you I am preferable to all other good things,
I am Beauty, I am Grace.
Love Me, love Me alone.
Love yourself in Me, in Me alone.
Attach yourself to Me,
No one is more inward that I.
Others love you for their own sakes,
I love you for yourself.
And you, you flee from Me.
Dearly beloved!
You cannot treat Me fairly,
For if you approach Me, It is because I have approached you.
I am nearer to you than yourself,
Than your soul, than your breath.
Who among creatures
Would treat you as I do?
I am jealous of you over you,
I want you to belong to no other,
Not even to yourself.
Be mine, be for Me as you are in Me,
Though you are not even aware of it.
Dearly beloved!
Let us go toward Union
And if we find the road
That leads to separation,
We will destroy separation.
Let us go hand in hand.
Let us enter the presence of Truth.
Let it be our judge
And imprint its seal upon our union
View on YouTube:
Leadership – Long Before We Know Ourselves!
I loved these words:
Long before we know ourselves,
Our paths are already set in stone.
Some may never figure out their purpose in life,
And some will.
There are a lot of us who are caught up in this hell we all live in,
Content with being blinded by rules and judgment.
We live in a world where it’s more okay to follow than to lead.
In this world being a leader is trouble for the system we are all accustomed to.
Being a leader in this day and age is being a threat.
Not many people stood up against the system we all call life,
But toward the end of our first ten years into the millennium we heard a voice.
A voice who was speaking to us from the underground for some time.
A voice who spoke of vulnerabilities and other human emotions and issues never before heard so vividly and honest.
This is the story of a young man who not only believed in himself,
But his dreams too.
This is the story of The Man On The Moon.
-KiD CuDi,
Intending to write.
Hey there,
Just motivating myself to blog more, I’m having the following posts in mind:
1) MuslimUnity continuing the series I wrote the first part of and publish an eBooks. (9 posts)
2) Writing down the rest of my ToastMasters speeches after finishing the last speech in the Competent Communicator track. (8 posts)
3) Blogging more in personal matters and activities.
- My experience with Twitter
- My experience with Facebook
- Socially speaking – hypocrisy and more
- Self-help my experience – focused mind and optimize performance
- Civilizational independence
The book Civilizational independence for Mohamed Omara PhD, made me feel much more responsible to share and get my view point out there, after a bit of time asking myself about the value of getting it out there!
I’ll be back soon ..
– Abdo
Family outing, enjoying your time?
Hi there,
I’m currently outing with part of my family in 6 October city club, while having loads of work back home, that got me thinking a bit of our concept and activities while having a family outing! I think a typical family outing since childhood haven’t change much, as you can imagine I do find time while outing for writing a blog post, would that be an indicator that it’s not so much fun for an old 22 years old guy like myself.
The most amazing trip and outings I had lately was to Alex, with only the guys around my age in the family, we all agreed that we had amazing time and we all enjoyed ourselves. So, why don’t we enjoy family outing with the family including older members of the family as much as with the peers. does it have to do with the activities we can involve in, freedom? or is it about selfishness of the young ages who want to just fly or blog?
Is it supposed to be like that all the time, or family outing is something we usually do wrong? We should enjoy our time with the older members of our family, right?
What do you guys think?
P.S. this is not to be understood that I’m not enjoying my time, I’m just having thoughts about how to make outing with the family a better experience for everyone. I’ll get back with my suggestions later on ..
– Abdo
A new business card
Hey All,
This is just to break the silence for about a month on the blog by a short post, I just went with my amazing cousin Mahmoud and got couple of Twitter-like business cards for our start-up. We worked together since October, 2006 and I’m very happy seeing things moving for the best after years of hard-working.
These are temporary business-cards we created till we settle down with a final decision on the identity and go further with the online presence. I’m considering blogging much more often and getting a bit personal. Hopefully, I’ll be starting that from now.
Have a good time all
– Abdo
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Paraliminal session for exams by Dr. Ahmed Emara [Arabic]
Hey Everyone,
We all get stressed during exams times especially provided the education system and attitude we have in our country, Egypt.
I used to get stressed during exams time as I prefer to focus on business and leave studies to the last few days before the finals, that’s very difficult with complex engineering subjects that need ongoing practice on solving problems and accordingly that got me over-stressed and my performance wasn’t that good.
As they say; attitude is everything. How we act is a direct result of how we feel which is resulted from what we believe in and what’s going on in our minds, If we can find away to change how we feel about the situation and ourselves, we can break free from stress and perform to the best of our ability.
I came across a very interesting paraliminal session from Dr. Ahmed Emara especially made for students under exams pressure. If you don’t know what a paraliminal session is, I was first introduced to it through LearningStrategies and they have something to say about it here:
I was sent the following on FB:
أحمد عمارة
متخصص في الصحة النفسية
وعضو رابطة الأخصائيين النفسيين المصرية
بيقدم حل مسعف لدوامة الإمتحانات
ملف صوتي هتلاقوه هنا
I uploaded the files to my site and they’re available for streaming from here:
The files are as follows:
Exams01.mp3 > 07 Min > Introduction
Exams02.mp3 > 23 Min > The Paraliminal Session
Exams03.mp3 > 39 Min > Practical Advice
Could be downloaded from:
Hope that helps and wish you guys, all the best Insha’ Allah.
– Abdelrahman
TED: Shereen El Feki: Pop culture in the Arab world
Hello Everyone,
I can’t agree more with Shereen here, I think what’s happening in such media channels from recreating and Islamic version of heroes and popular items is very positive.
She just made a standard mistake of mixing between Islam, Culture and being Arab. Islam is a religious belief and a way to manage our life, it’s not a culture or something targeting a specific ethnicity or background.
I hope to see more similar media outlets that inspire us to be good Muslims, while maintaining our religious teachings in the way things are presented.
Stay cool and open minded
– Abdel
Remembering #Gaza
Hi Everyone,
Today reminds us with the Israeli aggression against #Gaza last year, which ended with more than 1300+ kills majority among women and children.
If you’re on Twitter, at the moment, you should participate in a campaign about #Gaza by placing #Gaza in your tweets and keep #Gaza a trending topic as much as you can.
Here is a reminder of some writings I wrote before about Gaza:
War on Gaza, background for truth seekers:
Had you been to Gaza? founder of IfAmericansKnew did:
Had you been to Gaza? Rachel Corrie did:
Media lies: Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land:
Keep the spirit up
– Abdelrahman
Starting and growing online friendships?
Hello Everyone,
In this video I try to present some basis we need to understand while going for online friendships, we shouldn’t be very open to let anyone deceive us or hurt us, right?
Hehe, I had no script whatsoever and was kinda sleepy!
Actually, the same concept I wrote about before in that post: Back on Track – A new online phase
Be cautious online please!
– Abdelrahman
You’ll become the books you read and people you hang out with
Hello Everyone,
Yes, right, choosing which media we expose ourselves to and which friends we hang out with is very important as that will determine who we’re going to be! Guys, pick the right friends and expose yourself to the media that will make you a better person.
I can relate to that in multiple phases in my life and I think in your own life as well. I find some who I thought to be conservative and practicing when they get withing a community that approve a specific negative behavior like flirting for example, they do indulge in that and change themselves by being a part of that community.
Regardless of how hard and may be offensive it might be to trim yourself from a community, it might be the only choice to keep going towards the goals you set for yourself at first place.
Be yourself and don’t be so easy to influence, chose your friends and media, ideas you expose yourself to. You only have the choice to be what you want and you’re deciding that NOW!
– Abdel