Effectiveness, A New Approach

Dear All,

Just after thinking for a while about four months passed from the “New” year. Yes I just remember that it was a new year, I felt so much guilty about a lot of activities that hadn’t been started and others that went extremely slow.

I’m using a new apprach kicking projects around, just by kicking it. I’m always waiting for the right time budgeting so much on preparations and the perfect time to launch, which will usually lead to waiting for the perfect resources which will never come.

I thought about that today, after being active for around half an hour on Egypt-Designers group, after waiting so much for getting the website perfectly suitable to the project, I preferred to announce it on its current status, you know default theme, blank forums and that sort of stuff.

So, I’m just kicking my activities and accepting the imperfections in my projects and in myself too, that’s so much like a self talk and announcement of kicking things around.

In real world, done is better than prefect!

All the best


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