WalaHaja #10: Pursuing answers, belonging to a new vision
“Nowhere and everywhere.” This is how my psyche responded to the question of belonging. The chaos, corruption and mobbing of
“Nowhere and everywhere.” This is how my psyche responded to the question of belonging. The chaos, corruption and mobbing of
The human psyche is absolutely complicated, you could almost never know why someone did something at a past point in
“There is no coming to consciousness without pain.” – Carl Jung I planted chicks at the tender age of 3
The Eye of Horus is signed and sealed on top of the Ancient Egyptian Pyramids because we can’t move forward
In social psychology, the supreme error is what is described below: “The fundamental attribution error refers to an individual’s tendency
“A Ukrainian dog have bitten a Russian man” What? Let’s revise that: “A dog who lives with an Ukrainian family
Just like you, I’m blessed with many gifts. And I think as humans we either attribute these blessings to our
There is something beautiful and graceful about the idea and gesture of “opening doors”. When you open the door for
“And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but
I survived a certain death in 2022, and for that, I feel grateful. It taught me that sometimes all that
tl;dr: Ending with “We are not in war with nature, we are nature!” after restlessly waking up at 2 AM
I had been fascinated with the topic of healing and becoming the best version of ourselves… I found Charkra’s approach
Tech Entrepreneur, engineer, teacher and researcher.