Paraliminal session for exams by Dr. Ahmed Emara [Arabic]

Hey Everyone,

We all get stressed during exams times especially provided the education system and attitude we have in our country, Egypt.

I used to get stressed during exams time as I prefer to focus on business and leave studies to the last few days before the finals, that’s very difficult with complex engineering subjects that need ongoing practice on solving problems and accordingly that got me over-stressed and my performance wasn’t that good.

As they say; attitude is everything. How we act is a direct result of how we feel which is resulted from what we believe in and what’s going on in our minds, If we can find away to change how we feel about the situation and ourselves, we can break free from stress and perform to the best of our ability.

I came across a very interesting paraliminal session from Dr. Ahmed Emara especially made for students under exams pressure. If you don’t know what a paraliminal session is, I was first introduced to it through LearningStrategies and they have something to say about it here:

I was sent the following on FB:

أحمد عمارة
متخصص في الصحة النفسية
وعضو رابطة الأخصائيين النفسيين المصرية
بيقدم حل مسعف لدوامة الإمتحانات

ملف صوتي هتلاقوه هنا

I uploaded the files to my site and they’re available for streaming from here:

The files are as follows:

Exams01.mp3 > 07 Min > Introduction
Exams02.mp3 > 23 Min > The Paraliminal Session
Exams03.mp3 > 39 Min > Practical Advice

Could be downloaded from:

Hope that helps and wish you guys, all the best Insha’ Allah.

– Abdelrahman


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