How do people react upon resentment?

How do people react upon resentment?

Multiple times I’m being advised on taking care of my “personal brand” and tackle only generic generally accepted topic, I see everyone around me do it, but as I get to explore myself, I see I don’t need to lie about my personal brand on the internet(s), I’m searching for what’s true, for what’s real and I believe that doing great things in the world can only come when we are being real and true, not worried about our brand or plastic public image.

Who of you never felt the bitterness of being deserted by the people you fought and sacrificed for the most?

Who of you never experienced the salty sweat of a sword while being repetitively stabbed in your back, in the darkness, where no one can see?

Chances are you never did, unless you are in the habit of challenging your surrounding with new ideas and taking the lead in bringing change and disrupting the status quo, you’ll never experience that, and these words and clips below will remain to you as experiences of the less fortunateز

It is only when it’s just you out there challenging the word, planting more beautiful gardens, fighting for fairness, alone, that’s when you are vulnerable to all sort of betrayals and wounds that would naturally result in resentment, the ugly feeling of being let down by the people you trusted the most, you cared for the most, you sacrificed for the most, quietly and silentlyز

As I’m interested in sociology I tried to track down a few cases of how people reacted to that, I’m in love with stories and moving pictures so I’ll bring you a few known examples from movies most of us have watched.

1. Brave heart – Vengeance

William Wallace, the warrior with a broken heart storms the club of politica with his countrymen gathering asking them for only one thing, unity, he doesn’t care about governing or owning rather about freedom and all the beautiful principles worth fighting for and he gets it and they shake hands on it, though, when it’s time to interfere in the battlefield, the countrymen sell their souls to the English kind and leave him and the men followed naked in the battle field.

Minute 1:00 as countrymen get the sign to attack and desert their warriors

With the heart of a warrior William Wallace tracks down the English king to be stopped by a knight, that he discovers is the same countryman who has shaken hands with before the battle, now look at his eyes, it’s a window to a broken heart, sinking in a stream of pain and resentment

But what is a socially acceptable reaction to that? We all watched Braveheart and maybe it was our favorite part when he appears in the nightmares of his countrymen to take away their filthy traitor souls, by then, all of what considered vengeance  was very acceptable to us.

2. The Rock – Twisting Arms

We can't hold out much longer, sir!

General Hummel, you've gotta
get us outta here now!

I won't let you down.
I won't let you down, son.

Goddamn it, sir! How long do we have
to wait? I've lost *many* men already!

Sir, they're lightin' us up
like a firestorm!

This is General Hummel.
You gotta get my men outta there!

We don't have clearance
to go behind enemy lines, sir.

They're not coming for us,
are they, sir?

We all watched the crazy general, General Hummel, stealing destructive weapons to attack the same land he swore to defend and made heroic sacrifices fighting for, now, he is not being listened to, after his men was deserted  in battle, he is being neglected by the congressmen, pentagon and everyone. He visits his wife’s grave for some last words asking her: “whatever happens, please, don’t think less of me”.

Now the angry general has chosen to Twist arms, he requests a $100 Million fund or he will launch the gas against his own people, well, he never actually considered launching the gas or anything but it was a worthy game to twist their arm.

3. The Recruit – Betrayal

In another mode, Walter chooses to betray for being neglected after 27 years, neck deep in shit as he describes it. He allows this sense of resentment to turn him into a traitor against the same institution he helped develop

4. Warrior: confrontation and forgiveness

Thought, there is a completely different mode, in the combination of this fabulous scene from Warrior and The National’s about today, it doesn’t need lots of explanation as it’s quite self explanatory:

Today you were far away
and I didn’t ask you why
What could I say
I was far away
You just walked away
and I just watched you
What could I say
How close am I to losing you
Tonight you just close your eyes
and I just watch you
slip away
How close am I to losing you
Hey, are you awake
Yeah I’m right here
Well can I ask you about today
How close am I to losing you
How close am I to losing you

From Braveheart to Brokenheart!

Dear All,

I started working with Adobe Premiere Pro producing some videos for YouTube. As I’m starting to talk about unity, picked up that scene from Braveheart, showing how could calling for unity might be deceptive.

Leave you with the video:

YouTube Link:

Calling for unity against a common enemy among people that share a religious belief, country or even a business is very logical and a sign of maturity of whom calling for unity.

But that’s not always the case, some people will sharply betray when it’s the real time. some for a piece of land, some money and others for their own political agenda.

In this clip from Braveheart, I try to communicate that meaning, Wallace won the first battle by himself and the people loved him and followed him as they saw his goal is freedom for all of them.

When it came to the critical preparation for a battle in which he’ll need the help of the other group, he called for unity and actually been promised.

At the hardest time when he sent the sign for the other group to attack, he discovered that he had been betrayed, look into his eyes to realize how it feels when discover that you had been betrayed and learn the lesson and make sure who are you uniting with.

This is a lesson to learn when calling for unity, is that person or group of people actually want to unite for the best of the community, or they’re doing that for their own agenda!

Sorry for the incorrect dimensions and low quality, I’ll fix it in the upcoming videos. Hit the HQ button for now for better preview.

Unite yes, but keep your eyes open for whom you’re uniting with.

Hope you enjoyed it and found it beneficial.
– Abdo

Prison Break: Lay It Down Slow

Dear All,

As you might know I had been busy during this week and a reason of being busy that you might don’t know was Prison Break. After finishing my exams I had this strange feeling of watching the rest of Prison Break as I watched season one only. And during this week I watched season two, three and four.

I really don’t remember much of what I watched and don’t really care that much, as I wanted just to be up-to-date with what’s happening in the world including what people watch, not to live like a freaky stranger.

What touched me the most was, actually two ideas:

The Ending:

How the whole story turned out, made me look to the story as a practical life lesson, a very deep life lesson. I saw it as a reflection of justice in the situations of people involved. I believe people are born alike in their desire for good or bad and life is about decisions we make. At the end life will never settle down except with the good for the good and the bad for the bad, either in this life or thereafter.

Any challenge that we pass with in life should be looked at this way, and how right we do in it, is what determines how good things will turn out for us.

Human Relationships:

Human relationship still a very mysterious subject to me. Decisions you take in life that involve others need so much weighting to what’s valuable, what’s worthy and what is not. The fundamental idea of the show is the sacrifice of someone doing good in his life according to our standards, to help his innocent brother out of prison. Then getting back to help team mates, whom had been his enemies at some point.

A situation and a phrase in the show, even made me discover things still inside myself, and related to some situations I had been through. May be because growing up with a clean tongue, I wasn’t able to say it when I was supposed to. The guy’s reaction when he knew that it was a set up, made me laugh, in evil.

“You whore! You’re a whore, and your mother was a whore, and her mother, and your father used to turn tricks at a gas station, cause he was a whore too!”

Hey, I know it’s just a TV show, but still time investment on entertainment can get back to you with thoughts deeper than you imagine.

This is just a random post celebrating my freedom from Prison Break. And might blog more thoughts about it when I have a better chance.

Had to get busy, real productively busy right now.

if you got dreams in your heart
why don’t you share them with me?
and if dreams don’t come true
I’ll make sure that your nightmares
are through

if you got pain in your heart
why don’t you share it with me?
and we’ll just wait and see
if it’s half what it used to be

and lay it down slow
lay it down free
lay it down easy
but lay it on me

if you’ve got love in your heart
why don’t you keep it with mine?
I can’t promise a miracle
but I’ll always be trying

and lay it down slow
lay it down free
lay it down easy
but lay it on me

lay it down easy
lay it on me

lay it down easy
but lay it on me

– Abdo

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