Tweaking the blog

Hey There,

It had been a while and I’m thinking to troubleshoot some minor problems in the blog, the #MuslimUnity wasn’t supposed to appear as a page and create a second raw in the upper links. I had to dive in the database and get its ID to fix it. It’ll still be reachable via

The second thing is that the comments was duplicated when I installed Disqus that problem appeared, from a web developer point of view its fixed but it’s not quite systematically right. We call that a hack.

I wanted to make an icon to my Muxlim profile among the gang at the header, but never had the time to and I don’t know how while working on a project that require so much concentration and stuff to do for the first time, I found the time to troubleshoot the problems here and design the icon too.

Any suggestion to tweak the look of the blog people?


– Abdo


Hi All,

In the last few days, I had been preparing to formally launch the blog and finish the final optimizations to both the design and functionality. Plus, planning for more accessible content.

We had a 31 confirmed guests to the event (Facebook Event), and 65 are already fans of the blog on the Blog’s Fans Page.

By now, you’re supposed to understand this is my personal blog, that means that any content I develop away from any business project will be published through that blog. Plus, all my social activities online will be centered with that blog.

So, by July, 1st. I’ll commited to constant updating to that blog with minimum 2 posts a week.

Stay tuned!

– Abdo