Hi There,
I’m finishing up a 4 sessions, English Listening, Speaking and Pronunciation course available online for free via MIT Open Course Ware, which is pretty amazing, I remember first time our professor told us about the Open Course Ware, I bookmarked it, but never had the time to check it out. And just went through these 4 sessions during the last week.
I already went through such English courses on my own before, so it was some kind of emphasizing on what I know, clarifying some ambiguous points, and some practising, plus of course added an in class experience. Of course, the way the class is being ran is totally different that the classes I attend here, so good to know how normal people are supposed to learn.
I highly recommend the MIT Open Course Ware to everyone, plus every knowledge available online for free. I’ll try to bookmark similar sources and make it available here, at least the ones I had been using recently, Insha’ Allah.
Best of luck everyone
Course Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvu9SoCyDec
MIT Open Course Ware: http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/web/home/home/index.htm
– Abdo
Sharing Link: https://abdomagdy.com/nx4rrs