Lessons In Unity #1 – Concepts

DRAFT QUALITY FOR VIDEO MAKING – This isn’t the final article

Asalamo Alikum Brothers and sisters,

Today, we’re going to start the first episode in lessons in unity: our title today is about the definitions and concepts about unity, and other concepts that goes against unity of Muslims.

First of all, what’s unity?

Finding a specific definition isn’t my ideal way of presenting things, but let’s try to go around some definitions to understand what we’re talking about.

Logical definition:

Unity is grouping some units together to form a more solid structure. Let’s see an example from the wise man who while dying, wanted to teach his kids the meaning of unity, so asked everyone of them to take a stick and break it, it’s easily broken, but when when we collect those sticks together, it’s much more harder to break.

And told them: That’s why my sons you’re supposed to be always together; not to be easily broken individually by your enemies.

So, according to this definition; unity is being safe by being with those who share the same fate, you unite with them to be safe, so if you can handle it yourself, why to unite ..

Strategic definition:

Let’s go across some strategic definition, that definition is much more clear in business and military, achieving an economic benefit or a strategic advantage.

If I as a single unit will be able to achieve a little, and If I united with some other people who share my vision, we’ll together have much more resources, we’ll be able to achieve more profit individually, or defend ourselves against common enemies, with much more “resources”.

So unity is sharing of resources to achieve things that couldn’t be achieved individually. So, there is still something for the “self” that motivate people for unity and when I think about establishing such strategic unity, I should be wondering; what’s in it for me ..

Islamic definition:

So which definition of those would be more close to the idea of Muslim unity, in Islam we have a more solid concept about unity:

“The Believers are but a single Brotherhood.” [Al-Hujurat 49:10]

So it’s nothing like the solid structure or the strategic allegiance, it’s sharing of not only destiny but the way that leads to it too, not upon fear from challenges or profit and strategic advantage, but upon brotherhood!

This is the strongest human relationship as we’ll see, if we look to the issue individually the meaning of being a Muslim is being as close as my brother and sister.

So, why aren’t Muslims united now a days! Where there is always problems among Muslim countries, and Islamic groups and even different schools of thought, why there is always attacks even hatred sometimes inside the mosque.

In this series we’ll be going through the major incidents in our Islamic history that sharply demonstrate the meaning of unity, starting with unity between individuals up to unity in Ware and strategic unity. These lessons are expected to inspire us towards achieving unity as individuals and communities as well.

Concepts the goes against Muslim unity

So, fundamentally what’s the major points that hinder Muslim unity, these are the easiest to dive through, that’s why we’ll start with these defninitions.


Judging people based upon their race and background, prophet moahmed told “let it it’s rotten” when he talk to his brother about his background. In today’s world everybody think racism is for close-minded uneducated people, so the practice of racism is usually not hugely clear, instead it’s covered by gestures, and unclear practices, so that person practicing racism won’t but attacked or identified as a racist.

Islam totally goes against racism and breaking the bound of bounds of brotherhood based upon, race or background. Prophet Mohamed PBUH said: “”


Nationalism is grouping certain people based upon geographical location, and calling themselves a nation, with a separate destiny, with separate identity and with separate methodologies.

Let’s face it nationalism isn’t a new concept,  human nature love belonging to a specific group of people, feeling secured and protected, even prophet Mohamed identified that as one of the most basic human needs.

Some people attack anyone saying where is he coming from, that’s extremism, Khalid ibn El-Waleed, used flags to make people jealous and get better results for the group, is he a nationalist, understanding and common sense is what our religion Is about.


I understand that sectarianism is a sensitive issue in the Muslim community, while we’re seeking to unite, we’re not supposed to tolerate altering and changing our religion.

Why Abu Bakr didn’t go easy with whom denied zakat because it’s a part of Islam and denying a part of Islam or changing it shouldn’t be tolerated in a Muslim community.

So the point to eliminate the effect of Sectarianism on the Muslim community is by scholars from different  “sects” to reject any practices that goes against the authentic teachings of Islam.

Next Lesson:

In the next episode, we’ll see how unity had been between companions of the prophet, how they blended together to form a solid community, that enlightened the whole world, and got the lowest level of crimes ever, no crimes for 3 whole years, solidarity to an unbelievable level.

Looking forward to meet with you tomorrow, with how Sahaba (RA) lived in unity within the Muslim community.

Asalamo Alikum

Happy Eid Everyone!

Salamo Alikum Everyone,

All my best wishes to my Muslim friends and associates for a happy and blessed Eid ul-Adha – or the celebration of sacrifice.

It reminds us of the core of our religion which is submission to God’s will, when we celebrate we had to remember that the reason we’re celebrating is that prophet Abraham submitted to the will of Allah in sacrificing his son Ismael because it’s god’s will.

We go through different situations when we’re required to either submit to the will of Allah communicated to us through our religious teachings or go with what we want, satisfying our ego or our social circle. When choosing to submit to Allah’s will the consequences will be the best for us, even if it doesn’t seem like it in the short term.

We should repeatedly read that part from the series of Allah’s names by Nabulsi (link: http://www.nabulsi.com/english-nab/ideology/names/names-24.php )

Once again: all of Allah’s Divine Acts are associated with His Absolute Divine Wisdom, which is, in turn, associated with the Absolute Good. This is the golden motto of human happiness.

Everything has its own reality; and no human can ever attain the reality of true faith until he believes that what afflicts him is impossible to miss him, and what misses him is impossible to afflict him. Mistakes and errors are only human qualities; they are by no means possible for the Creator, Allah, the All Wise. The seemingly wrong, unjust or unfair things are not really as such; they are under Allah’s Absolute Divine Wisdom.

That’s why at the beginning of the holy Qur’an in Surat Al-Baqarh, when god described the believers; described them with those who believe in the unseen, that’s what faith is all about.

Who believe in the Unseen, are steadfast in prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them [Qur’an 02:03]

May Allah’s blessings be upon you all

– Abdo

Sharing Link: https://abdomagdy.com/tfaf7z

I’m my neighbor’s Qur’an

Salam Everyone,

This is a very interesting video posted by a new Muslim sister who reverted to Islam and facing opposition to her decision by her family, I enjoyed watching all her videos so far and has so much respect for her, you can subscribe to her channel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/justmissmarla

Watch on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ndFVZAoG88

My Neighbors Quran

I am my neighbors Quran;
He reads me when we meet.
Today he reads me in my home—
Tomorrow in the street.
He may a relative or friend
Or slight acquaintance be;
He may not even know my name,
Yet he is reading me.

And, pray, who is this neighbor
Who reads me day by day
To learn if I am living right
And walking as I pray?

Oh, he is with me always
To criticize and blame,
So worldy-wise in his own eyes,
And Sinner is his name.

Dear Muslim sister, friends and brothers,
If we could only know
How faithfully the world records
Just what we say and do;

Oh, we would write our record plain
And come in time to see
Our worldly neighbor won to Allah
While reading you and me. ¯Author Unknown

Please note that I did not write this poem but if anyone knows who did I’d be happy to list it. InshAllah.*

* Copied from Video description by justmissmarla

Sharing: https://abdomagdy.com/esgfey

Ambition to meaning; relating to the definition of Islam

I watched a touching movie lately where the concept the movie going around is simply the definition of Islam and Wayne the wise man in the movie is presenting the concept as the idea way to lead our lives.

So, just like Islam teaches us we’re not supposed to lead our lives with ambitions other than focusing on why we’re here; the meaning of our existence and other than stressing over the results will come out of what we do, we should focus on the intention and as Wayne said surrender to the Will of God.

It comes out very beautiful when some non-Muslim man relate to an Islamic concept without knowing that more than 1.3 billion people on earth are supposed to be living this way!

Check that clip form the movie:

Playlist Full Movie:

What do you think?

Why do you kill, Zaid?


This is a comment I posted on a blog on Ecademy and thought to share it on my blog too, the comment is a reply to a topic about torture

Check it out here: http://www.ecademy.com/node.php?id=132933#c645421

Hi John, Yes, I understanding what you mean and I’m not personally offended or anything, the point is just, when referring to torture and wrong doing in warfare in the last 100 years, how much of that wrong was coming from those you’re referring to as your people. Taking war on Iraq as an example?

In the video from 6:00 to 8:00 :

“We created a great lie to live with, the lie was, we’re the good ones, we’re the idol, we’re the ones who help others, But that’s not the case. I think we in the west didn’t control the world because of our great way of thinking, or for our great values, or for our great religion. But, because we used merciless violence more than others.

If I can be more serious. Muslims weren’t who slaughtered 4 million people during the crusade. Muslims weren’t the people who slaughtered 50 million people during imperialism. Also, Muslims weren’t the people who killed 70 million people during WWI & WWII. Muslims weren’t the people who killed 6 million Jews either.

But, that had been the result of western invasion, and when we talk about the victims of Al-Qaeda, and here I repeat that Al-Qaeda to me are murderers, then we need to talk about the victims of the western policies in Iraq & Afghanistan”

By the way, I’m pretty open minded and while I proudly belong to Egyptian, Arabs and Muslims. I had been in close personal relationships with westerners, including a Jew, and quite sense that they’re my people too, as long as they don’t do or wish any harm to anyone.

And I’m being religious and following my religious teachings while doing that:

8 Allah does not forbid you respecting those who have not made war against you on account of (your) religion, and have not driven you forth from your homes, that you show them kindness and deal with them justly; surely Allah loves the doers of justice

9 Allah only forbids you respecting those who made war upon you on account of (your) religion, and drove you forth from your homes and backed up (others) in your expulsion, that you make friends with them, and whoever makes friends with them, these are the unjust.

English Translation of the Holy Qur’an [60:8 ~ 9]

– Abdo

Ramadan #MuslimUnity Campaign

NOTE: Campaign moved to https://abdomagdy.com/unity This page isn’t updated anymore.

Asalamo Alikum Everyone,

Some of you already know that I presented a plan to go through the topic of unity between Muslims from a while and didn’t continue for personal reasons (Link: https://abdomagdy.com/2009/05/lessons-in-unity-outlines/ ). Also, some of you know that I started MarwaElSherbiny.com and didn’t continue for similar reasons. Plus, frankly, I got no response from nearly everyone I contacted and wasn’t possible to handle everything myself (Link: https://abdomagdy.com/2009/07/preparing-for-marwa-el-sherbiny-com/ ).

Thinking about Ramadan this year and chatting with some friends about the topic, I thought about having a business-free Ramadan, that means that I’m going to suspend my business activities during Ramadan and will launch a campaign instead during the whole month that will cover both topics unity and Marwa El-Sherbiny in a one campaign mainly on Twitter and of course using other social media tools.

I didn’t make an effective use of my YouTube channel so far as I didn’t have the time, but during Ramadan; I’m going to get involved more with the Muslim community there and going to finish the unity series I planned to finish, Insha’ Allah.

This is just to let you know that, I’m going through a #muslimunity campaign via Twitter and I already started inviting people, people already involved are:

@MarwaElSherbiny, @HichamMG, @slashnews, @skinny_legs, @rockinrose, @egGooner, @ReemAlashry, @habzm, @AyubiSalahin, @IslamicInsights, @abdo_me, @DeveloperMan, @EgyptDesigners, @Egypreneur, @aladham, @Helwaan, @SineMuslim, @rildenia, @ibrahimsuheyl, @786Khadija2, @reeem, @MhdBadi, @Sunset87, @AyubiSalahin, @LoveHopeFear, @yazzie_me, @reihab, @DrDheenaSadik, @Amir_HealthGuru, @HijabiApprentic, @rinimaru, @skyhakim, @shukr

The campaign is going to be led anonymously through @MarwaElSherbiny Twitter account and will be centered by MarwaElSherbiny.com, the gesture is that Marwa El-Sherbiny who died for her Hijab and persistence to defend her rights is leading Muslims to unity during Ramadan.

The goal of the campaign is to bring the HashTag #MuslimUnity to the top of the HashTags of the month of Ramadan. HashTags is the term used on Twitter.com for campaigns. Check the last month’s top tags: http://hashtags.org/trends/month We want #MuslimUnity on the top during Ramadan! Can we?? Why not?? Why is that important? will reply to that ASAP.

More information about Twitter HashTag campaigns could be found here: http://twitter.pbworks.com/Hashtags Details to be out soon Insha’ Allah.

Outcome from the campaign:

  • Self confidence in Muslim Unity especially the young ages who’s involved in social media
  • Extreme PR effect by grabbing the world of New Media to read #MuslimUnity at the top of Twitter HashTag
  • Networking the cause of Marwa El-Sherbiny and communicating ideas about Hijab and Muslims in the west

What to practically do??? assuming that you’re already using Twitter, if not, easily crate a Twitter account (Video tutorials illustrating everything to be released soon).

  1. Follow @MarwaElSherbiny on Twitter
  2. Follow @HashTags on Twitter (VERY IMPORTANT) for the tags to be picked by the engine!
  3. Add #MuslimUnity in some of your Tweets during Ramadan (ones that encourage unity between Muslims).
  4. Follow all the participants in the campaign on Twitter (URLs above)
  5. RT any content that’s encouraging unity between Muslims (specific tweets will be available here soon Insha’ Allah)
  6. Search for latest uses of the HashTag from Here (Link: http://twitter.com/#search?q=%23MuslimUnity )
  7. Tell everyone you know about the campaign and engage with the campaign with your full power

Tawakalto Alaa Allah.

UPDATE: content will be moved from here to MarwaElSherbiny.com as the campaign get to a more solid state and I find sometime too!!

– Abdelrahman

Sharing Link: https://abdomagdy.com/ppwtws