Appointed President of Cairo ToastMasters Club

Appointed President of Cairo ToastMasters Club

During August, I was appointed President of Cairo ToastMasters Club, being involved with the community of entrepreneurs in Egypt, running Egypreneur, a very entrepreneurial future is in the making now for Cairo ToastMasters Club.

I’ll be doing a lot of promotions to ToastMasters and want to expand the membership of its members beyond the club to starting new clubs all around Cairo.

Serving as VP of Public Relations, Cairo ToastMasters Club

Serving as VP of Public Relations, Cairo ToastMasters Club

Since April 2010, I had been serving as VP of Public Relations at Cairo ToastMasters Club. The only ToastMasters Club in Cairo and during this period, I’ve utilized different social media channel to establish the image of the club and generate interest within this group to join ToastMasters while keeping members updated.

Today our ToastMasters Page I started on Facebook has 600 users and we have more than 180+ followers on Twitter, beside 8 videos produced from speeches within the club.

The Development Way

Dear All,

I delivered a speech at ToastMasters Cairo club last Thursday entitled “The Development Way“, this is a follow up Email I sent to the club members, thought to blog about it too, might add more details later.

As I didn’t find enough time to emphasize on the idea of the project, so thought to share some information about it for whom might be interested. By the way, I picked up the title as of presenting the project as a solution to the pre-discussed problems but may be I didn’t get that clear.

1) A very descriptive article from Al-Ahram weekly: May, 2006! [English]

Desert Development Corridor: Into The Sahara
Farouk El-Baz proposes a superhighway to solve Egypt’s pressing problems

This article advances the case for a proposed superhighway west of the Nile from the Mediterranean Sea coastline to Lake Nasser. The proposal would provide numerous opportunities for the development of new communities, agriculture, industry, trade and tourism around a 2,000 km strip of the Western Desert. The Government of Egypt was unable or unwilling to pursue the project, when I first proposed it 20 years ago, for whatever reasons. Because the country is presently facing insurmountable problems, the proposal is resubmitted for consideration by the private sector — local, Arab and international investors.


2) Project layout from the General Authority for Industrial Development

Link: [Won’t work with FireFox!, preview using Internet Explorer]

3) Aljazeera, “Without Barriers” interview with El-Baz: December, 2007 [Arabic]

A general talk about why his generation wasn’t able to introduce much development to Egypt and the way to developing Egypt from his own experience. Discussing the issues of education and leadership in Egypt too.

Text: [Arabic]
Video (Discussions about the project starts at 30:00): [Arabic]

Hope that will give a much more clear idea about the project.

All the best

– Abdelrahman

ToastMasters Competent Communicator Award

I recently received the competent communicator award from ToastMasters International after finishing the first communication track CC which is a set of 10 speeches each focusing on a specific skills to develop:

1) Ice breaker                                    07.04.2009           breaks the Ice

2) The development way                    19.05.2009           organize your speech

3) Reaching Out 1                             23.06.2009           Get to the point

4) Reaching Out 2                             21.07.2009           How to say it

5) Reaching Out 3                             18.08.2009           your body speaks

6) Operation Badr                              06.10.2009           Vocal Variety

7) Classification of Ethics                   17.11.2009           Research your topic

8 ) Three years in business                 12.01.2010           Get comfortable with Visual Aids

9) Ambition to meaning                      02.02.2010           Persuade with power

10) Take the first step in faith             15.02.2010           Inspire your audience

ToastMasters CC

First time ToastMaster

Hello Everyone,

It was very interesting, being Cairo club ToastMaster for the first time last meeting, I had been a member since last March and delivered 4 speeches in the competent communicator track. I would like to utilize this opportunity to introduce my audience to ToastMasters, and encourage everyone to become a member or get involved in a similar activity.

ToastMaster is the leader of the session: introducing speakers, commenting on speeches and engaging attendees with the session while keeping track of the time.

You can check for more information about ToastMasters at the official website:

ToastMasters cairo club:

Best of luck 🙂

– Abdo

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