Family outing, enjoying your time?

Hi there,

I’m currently outing with part of my family in 6 October city club, while having loads of work back home, that got me thinking a bit of our concept and activities while having a family outing! I think a typical family outing since childhood haven’t change much, as you can imagine I do find time while outing for writing a blog post, would that be an indicator that it’s not so much fun for an old 22 years old guy like myself.

The most amazing trip and outings I had lately was to Alex, with only the guys around my age in the family, we all agreed that we had amazing time and we all enjoyed ourselves. So, why don’t we enjoy family outing with the family including older members of the family as much as with the peers. does it have to do with the activities we can involve in, freedom? or is it about selfishness of the young ages who want to just fly or blog?

Is it supposed to be like that all the time, or family outing is something we usually do wrong? We should enjoy our time with the older members of our family, right?

What do you guys think?

P.S. this is not to be understood that I’m not enjoying my time, I’m just having thoughts about how to make outing with the family a better experience for everyone. I’ll get back with my suggestions later on ..

– Abdo
