Successful Bootstrapping – Speech at Nile University

Successful Bootstrapping – Speech at Nile University

I was invited by Dr. Yasser Hosni of Nile University to give a speech about successful bootstrapping in Egypt at Nile University. An excerpt of the presentation is available below.

Yasser Hosni, Ph.D., PE.
President, Int. Assoc for Mgt. of Technology (IAMOT)
Co-Chair IAMOT 2011 Conference, April, 10-14, 2011
Miami Beach, Florida, USA

Fellow IIE, Professor Emeritus
University of Central Florida

Watch on YouTube:

I might upload the presentation and embed it here, whenever I have time. Enjoy and let me know what you think πŸ™‚

Egypreneur, The past, Present and The Bright Future

No doubt that my biggest investment in the last three years had been on Egypreneur, started side by side with DeveloperMan and DesignTemple, I had a different plan than how things went, maintaining Egypreneur with DeveloperMan and DesignTemple as CSR activities of my company that was supposed to receive funding, but, I’m glad that I had more in-depth experience in everything entrepreneurial and indeed that help me become a better entrepreneur.

Evaluating how things went since starting Egypreneur..

Ending my Facebooking Career!

Hey There,

I had been investing so much time on FB lately, and just tonight get back to PHP with MySQL beyond the basics from which I started 3 weeks ago and had to stop to take care of my starting FB pages first.

Today, ending my career as a Facebooker and marketer, getting back to Geekdom! All projects pages are up & running with 120+ fans > 631 > 353 > 193 > 154 > 122 > 203

Updates to be submitted to pages from TwitterFox during breaks! and that’s plain AWESOME!

Of course, I’ll still be there, but hope to make it to be rarely, as it’s a huge time waster!

Stay cool πŸ™‚

– Abdo

Sharing Link:

Egypreneur – Vlogging Phase

Hey Everyone,

This is just to inform everyone that I started a new phase with Egypreneur – the project that was supposed to be active more than a year ago. And just like everything else you find yourself in need of a long list of requirements to proceed with it.

Egypreneur or (Egyptian Entrepreneur Support Network) was started on Ning with very limited interaction since June, 2008. That was the announcement (here)

The project is supposed to be a social business network for Egyptian young entrepreneurs just like myself, the network itself is still in the development phase, well, it’s just a matter of some free time to get it sorted out. Plus, till then the project is active on the following Social Media facilities + the project blog currently in the home page :

Facebook Group:

Facebook Page:



The new phase will include online videos, presented by myself and anyone else interested and have something beneficial to say. The first video had been live yesterday, well, check the last post if you’re wondering about the poor quality of the video!

Watch on YouTube:

So, I’ll be seeking to make videos and get the project known and lead the interaction through these videos. Will be making contacts and some PR work with business professionals who might have something to say or some help to offer.

But as you know me, If I didn’t move no body will, so, I flaw with the pants of my seat as usual and will go for it.

Will keep you posted and you give me some feedback, please!

– Abdo